C.H.E.K Posture Correction Personal Trainer Battersea in London

Posture Correction in London

Posture C.H.E.K. practitioner

Are the best in the world!


Posture Correction and pain in London

Posture correction with corrective exercise

Posture for sports performance and pain

C.H.E.K Posture Correction Personal Trainer In London
   Posture and Exercise and

C.H.E.K. is Corrective Exercise High-performance Kinesiology

In London Battersea 

Posture Correction Personal Trainer In London

Tool Use To CHEK Posture.

Posture Correction Personal Trainer In London When it comes to posture and fitness and lifestyle, our body is watching from the inside out. We all need good posture when we sit in our offices for 12 hours a day and anything we do with bad posture results in pain in our neck, back, and knees. When our posture is good there is no pain and we can move much more easily. And great sport performance.but to get good posture takes lifestyle change  with a great exercise  program.  

C.H.E.K Posture Correction Personal Trainer Battersea in London

Posture Correction

 Here are some tips to help you improve your posture:

  1. Be mindful of your posture: Pay attention to how you sit, stand, and move throughout the day. When you catch yourself slouching or slumping, make a conscious effort to correct your posture.
  2. Strengthen your core: Your core muscles, including your abdominals and lower back, help support your spine and maintain good posture. Incorporate exercises like pelvic tilts into your workout routine to strengthen your core.
  3. Stretch regularly: Tight muscles can pull your body out of alignment and contribute to poor posture. Stretching can help lengthen and loosen these muscles, promoting better posture. Focus on stretching your chest, shoulders, hips, and lower back.
  4. Adjust your workspace: If you sit at a desk for long periods, make sure your chair and desk are set up in a way that supports good posture. Your feet should be flat on the floor, your knees should be at a 90-degree angle, and your computer monitor should be at eye level.
  5. Take breaks: Sitting or standing in one position for too long can cause your posture to suffer. Take breaks to move around and stretch throughout the day.
  6. Wear supportive shoes: Shoes that provide good arch support can help maintain proper alignment from the feet up. Avoid wearing high heels for extended periods, as they can throw off your balance and posture.

personal trainer londonNEW 14/2/23 
I went to Scott to correct my posture and improve my physique. He is so friendly and extremely knowledgeable. I have been going to Scott for 4 weeks with plenty more sessions ahead of me. Scott has gone into great depth, looking at my diet, lifestyle and emotional, mental load I carry each day and to help me improve those alongside my posture. This is not a quick fix and will take time but the results will be worth it. Even after a short 4 weeks I have improved noticeable amounts in all areas. Working hard on letting go of historic tradegies in my life and learning new excercises and stretches.The CHEK approach is something that I didn’t know I needed and I am grateful to have Scott’s professional guidance throughout my journey. Scott has assessed me and provided me a personal service catered to me only. I am looking forward to more results and will document those. This is an approach everyone should be open to. It is truly life changing for the better. I wish I had discovered ABS C.H.E.K sooner.

C.H.E.K Posture Correction Personal Trainer In London

Hear some of Scott posture assessment. her dose

Posture Correction Personal Trainer In London

Posture fitness and weight training, the better our posture is, the less load there is on the joints in our body. If our posture is bad when we are exercising, we are putting too big a load on our joints. Over time this can cause us pain in neck, back and shoulders. 

So when sitting or exercising, you need to make sure your posture is in good alignment  to prevent orthopaedic injury. If you have a Faulty motor engram in your brain, it can take up to 3000-5000 repetitions to change it. So when you are training, if your personal trainer is not watching to Ensure that you do your exercises with the best form, he is setting you up for injury Pain  and Visit the surgeon or physio that don’t look at the root cause of your bad postural problem.they are like Dr only look at the pain not the root cause of your bad posture.  

tips for health back and 10 fat loss secrets now

If your London personal trainer should start by assessing your posture in the gym, during your workout. To ensure that you improve your posture, flexibility and muscle balance. Is great the bent over row exercise  is a good exercise as is a prone cobra for helping to improve your poor posture this may take up 12 weeks for you to change the Faulty motor engram and if dont change the way you sit and move it a waste of time. This was a personal trainer and Chek practitioner can help over many weeks to give great posture.


As a what is a click here Mater CHEK Practitioner level 5, I do a 4 hour assessment with 140 assessment tool that no personal trainer uses for your posture, movement, and diet & lifestyle.Ordinary personal trainers do not carry out this deep assessment because. personal trainer course only gives the basics. because to lean all how our body’s work The work would take 6 years of study to learn. I have been helping clients with bad posture for over 25 years now with my deep study and working with many clients over the years posture is numbered one for painfree exercise. And click here sports performance.  

Scott assessment for bad posture and pain. 

  1. Forward Head assessment. 
  2. Corrective exercise. 
  3. Diet and lifestyle Coaching.
  4. Breathing assessment. 
  5. 4 dr.assessment.
  6. Kinetic chain assessment.
  7. 7 movement pattern assessment. 
  8. Weak and strong muscle testing. 
  9. TVA and Abs core assessment. 
  10. Flexibility & stability assessment.
  11. Work assessment. 
  12. Workout assessment.
  13. and much more.

What you will get to improve your posture 

  1. Advanced program design. 
  2. one to one session with Scott.
  3. Update on your improved posture. 
  4. Sport massage as need. 
  5. Compassion for you need and pain.

 We have been helping clients with Posture using corrective exercise and holistic methods for over 22 years’ correction program is guaranteed that you get the optimum results so please get in touch today check out my book as well and I look forward to helping you with your neck pain shoulder pain lower back pain which can be caused by bad posture

click here personal trainer prices

posture personal trainer london Scott has changed my life. Before I was unhealthy with low energy, click here  bad posture and had a bad diet and didn’t even realise. I thought I was pretty fit with a good diet! I have worked with other trainers – Scott does so much more though. No one has ever gone into the same depth covering as many aspects of my life as Scott did. He is one of the best. Highly recommended.Ben 

Scott Bryant Active Bryant fitness systems

25 years experience in fitness posture and pan correction

These are just some of assessment I do over 4 hours to make sure we exercise with great posture strong core to keep pain free and get back to your sport.and help you to have great posture again.buy Scott book over 50 5 stars online reviews.

Contact Scott now 07841144878 for more information.

Areas I Cover

Clapham, – Battersea, – Kensington, – Westminster, -GreatPortland Street,- London,