Shamanic Healing and Personal Trainer Near Battersea,London

Shamanic Energy Medicine Healing: Empower Yourself to Heal

in London 

Near Battersea,London 

Healing the past to change your future

Shamanic Healing And Personal Trainer Near Battersea,London

*Scott with his favourite drum enjoy a healing session with him.

Shamanic Healing Near Me

Shamanic Healing London

Scott has always had a connection to nature. He grew up in Essex, and his family owns flower shops. Scott has always believed there is a higher power in all of us and that we all have individual power and talents. In 2013, he had a Shamanic healing session with Paul C.H.E.K through the C.H.E.K Institute. Scott then decided to look for a local Shaman to help him with healing on a deeper level. After trying out two different Shamans, Scott soon found out some were just not the real deal, or he didn’t feel anything from their “techniques.” Then Scott found his third Shaman, and the experience was completely different as he used the “Nine Rites of the Munay-Ki” systems of healing. Scott bought every book he could on the subject and studied for many months. After learning the techniques, Scott started using them with his friends and clients and witnessed dramatic results

Shaman healing with Paul Chek

*Shamanic healing with Paul Chek in San Diego, USA

Scott quickly discovered that if clients are not open-minded, he will not use the Shamanic techniques because they have no investment in their healing and will self-sabotage the whole process. Scott has studied with the best in the world to make sure he can give his clients the best!

Shamanic healing in London intends to empower clients to heal themselves—to step into their potential and accept responsibility for their destiny. The techniques are those of Peru. The process works to clear blocks from the aura when necessary (entities or psychic daggers) and release limiting beliefs, often caused by trauma in this or a previous life, assisting the client in living differently from that moment forward.

Shamanic Healing and Personal Trainer Near Battersea,London

The initial Shamanic healing appointment in London typically lasts about ninety minutes, during which we will assess your current situation and the issues you want to work with. It will frequently, but not always, include an illumination or a soul retrieval, and sometimes an extraction of heavy, stuck energy and possibly cutting cords to someone that you feel is taking energy from you or that you have an unhealthy attachment to.

Shamanic Healing and Personal Trainer Near Battersea,London

Shamanic energy healing at Scott’s home

A Shamanic healing session in London typically involves a shaman, who is a spiritual practitioner, using various techniques to help an individual or group heal on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. The session may involve chanting, drumming, dancing, meditation, or other rituals that the shaman believes can help the individual or group connect with the spiritual world and tap into their own inner healing power.

Shamanic Healing And Personal Trainer Near Battersea,London

Scott’s special healing space

During the session, the Shaman may also use various tools or practices, such as smudging with sage, the use of crystals or other sacred objects, and hands-on healing techniques. The Shaman may also work with spirit guides or other spiritual beings to help facilitate the healing process.

The Shaman may also help the individual or group explore and understand the root causes of their physical or emotional pain and provide guidance on moving forward and making positive changes in their lives. Ultimately, a Shamanic healing session aims to help the individual or group achieve a greater sense of balance, harmony, and well-being in their lives.

Shamanic Healing And Personal Trainer Near Battersea,London

Shamanic healing session with Paul C.H.E.K in San Diego, USA

A Shamanic healing session can help heal various aspects of an individual’s well-being, including:

  1. Physical health: A Shaman may use their spiritual techniques to help alleviate physical symptoms of illness, pain, or disease by addressing the root cause of the issue.
  2. Emotional health: A Shaman may help an individual process and heal emotional wounds, such as grief, trauma, anxiety, or depression.
  3. Mental health: A Shaman may work with an individual to help them shift their perspective and release negative thought patterns or limiting beliefs that may be holding them back.
  4. Spiritual health: A Shaman may help individuals connect with their inner spiritual self, access their intuition and higher wisdom, and cultivate a deeper sense of meaning and purpose in life.
  5. Relationship health: A Shaman may help an individual or group heal relationship issues, such as conflicts, communication breakdowns, or feelings of disconnection or loneliness.

Shamanic Healing And Personal Trainer Near Battersea,London

Overall, a Shamanic healing session can help an individual or group achieve greater balance, harmony, and well-being in all aspects of their life.

Alberto Villoldo is a well-known author, teacher, and practitioner of shamanic healing. One of the systems he has developed is called the “Nine Rites of the Munay-Ki,” which is a series of shamanic initiation rites that are intended to help individuals connect with their spiritual power and potential.

Alberto Villoldo: is a well-known author, teacher, and Shamanic healing practitioner. One of the systems he has developed is the “Nine Rites of the Munay-Ki,” a series of Shamanic initiation rites intended to help individuals connect with their spiritual power and potential.

The Nine Rites of the Munay-Ki include:

  1. Healer’s Rite: This rite connects you with a lineage of ancient healers who can assist you in your own healing and help you become a healer yourself.
  2. Bands of Power: This rite helps you build up your energetic immunity and protection against negative energy and influences.
  3. Harmony Rite: This rite helps you balance and harmonize your energy centers (chakras) and connect with the natural world.
  4. Seer’s Rite: This rite helps you awaken your inner vision and intuition and develop your ability to see beyond the physical realm.
  5. Day keeper’s Rite: This rite connects you with the ancient wisdom of the Earth keepers, who work with the energies of the natural world and the cycles of the sun and moon.
  6. Wisdomkeeper’s Rite: This rite connects you with the wisdom and knowledge of the ancient ancestors, who can guide you on your spiritual path.
  7. Earthkeeper’s Rite: This rite helps you connect with the natural world and become a steward of the Earth.
  8. Star keeper’s Rite: This rite connects you with the ancient wisdom and knowledge of the stars and helps you to access your cosmic consciousness.
  9. Creator Rite: This rite helps you connect with the source of all creation and tap into the power of manifestation and co-creation.

Shamanic Healing and Personal Trainer Near Battersea,London

Luminous Energy Field (LEF)

This information is stored in the LEF in bundles of dark energy, which look like scratch marks and are called imprints of trauma.

It is shaped like a donut with a tunnel in the center and extends about the height of arms held above the head, the width of outstretched arms, and down into the earth about 30 centimeters.

The LEF flows clockwise horizontally around the body and vertically up and down through the spinal cord.

It contains a template of how we live, how we age, and how we might die.

This energy field organizes the body the same way a magnet organizes iron filings on a piece of paper.

The LEF connects us to every being as well as the energetic field of the earth itself.

It contains all the information about our personal and ancestral memories, traumas, and wounds.

Imprints of Trauma:

This information is stored in the LEF in bundles of dark energy; these bundles look like scratch marks, and we call them imprints of trauma

Imprints in Luminous Energy Field 

Imprints orchestrate our pathways in life and can create mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical disorders.

When we clear the imprints of past traumas and unwanted energies from our Luminous Energy Field, we change the course of our life. 

When there is no imprint for disease in the LEF, recovery from an illness happens very fast. On the other hand, imprints can suppress the immune system, causing delays in recovery.

LEF is the software that instructs our DNA to create either illness or health.

Shman  believe that everything we perceive is simply the projection of a map of the world we carry within us.

This map is stored in the Luminous Energy Field (LEF).

To change the world, we need to change the map by healing the imprints of disease and trauma from the energy field.

With Shamanic healing techniques, we clear out the imprints of trauma from the Luminous Energy Field and allow negative feelings (such as fear, anger, sadness), limiting beliefs, old patterns, and behaviours to change rapidly.

Shamanic Healing and Personal Trainer Near Battersea,London

Pi stones date back to the Incas, symbolizing our luminous bodies and the energetic universe. Incas used Pi stones to transmit Munay Ki Rites during Inca Shaman initiations. Their geometric shape is called a Torus, symbolizing the circular path that the sun follows in the sky.

Through these nine rites, Alberto Vzilloldo’s Munay-Ki system aims to help individuals connect with their spiritual power, tap into their innate wisdom and potential, and create positive change in their lives and the world around them.

Shamanic Healing and Personal Trainer Near Battersea,London


Chumpi stones are directly related to the seven chakras, the seven main energy centres of a person’s body. These healing stones are generally available individually or in a set of 7. 7 stones represent each one of the chakras. The root chakra is the first chakra with one point and a soft, rounded surface; the second chakra is at the sacral, thus having two points. This continues up to 12 points. However, a normal set is the body chakras consisting of seven stones, each having 1-7 points per stone.

The Inca Peru Mountain, Qero Shaman, uses the sacred symbology often found on Chumpi stones, such as the coco leaf, corn, maize, and power animals, in their practices to release stagnant energy. These symbols often represent power, strength, union, and the elements of the Earth as well as the Pachamama (mother earth) or Earth mother.

Shamanic Healing and Personal Trainer Near Battersea,London

Scott drumming in a Richmond Park

What you will get with Scott’s 10 Shamanic healing sessions in London:

  • Clearing Dark Energy that may be giving you pain 
  • Using the Alberto Villoldo system
  • A soul retrieval Shamanic healing session
  • Understanding why you might not be at your full potential
  • Finding out what life lessons may be blocked and why
  • Feeling the energy and relaxing
  • Feeling balanced and aligned
  • Giving you a plan to live your dreams
  • Feeling energised and rebalancing all your chakras
  • Having a deeper understanding of where you are going in life

Shamanic Testimonials in London

Shamanic Testimonials London 

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Shamanic Healing season London 

I started working with Scott through his C.H.E.K. systems personal training program to recover from a broken rib and get fit and healthy for the ski season. My goal this year has been to be my fittest and healthiest as I turn 50 next May.

As an adjunct to the training, which involves lifestyle, nutrition, and training, we are exploring Shamanic processes to enhance my commitment, results, and insight

During the first session, I gained insight into some deep-rooted relationship issues. This enabled me to look at those issues from a completely different perspective and allowed me to shift how I deal with future communications… Scott holds a very professional space within which to explore personal issues/challenges, and I can thoroughly recommend him to people looking to explore at a deeper level.

Jane Baker ( Physiotherapist )

Shamanic Healing London  

Shamanic Healing and Personal Trainer Near Battersea,London

I am a trainer myself, helping people in the same gym as Scott. I kept overhearing some of the things he was advising his clients and loved his energy, especially his sense of humor, which is fantastic for a guy as knowledgeable. Scott was my inspiration. I knew his practices had power, and through my gratitude, he offered to perform healing practices for me. The first was a brief ceremony in our working environment. When I left, I could see clearly to the end of Oxford Street, and I felt like a Shaman, a Maharishi myself. Before I left, Scott said, “You will be tested; it’s up to you to keep your power.” He was right!

And he keeps leaving me with more and more things to do, more and more healing. More and more things to look forward to. All the people I’ve met, the synchronicities, the beauty I’ve attracted, my behavior, the money… it’s all exponentially better, and Scott is a major catalyst. So many thanks and blessings from the highest of highs. May we all find peace, love, who we are, why we are here, and may we keep enjoying the process while we find out. 

Thank you, Scott. You are one of my most important teachers and my Shaman, as I say with tears of joy in my eyes.


Shaman Shamanic Healing near battersea, london

Shamanic Healing London 

I tried both meditation and sound healing with Scott, and they were both great new experiences for me. I’ve always wanted to do meditation but didn’t know how to do it. Scott’s method of meditation is completely different from the familiar meditation styles and techniques. It includes listening to music, dancing, and sitting in silence, which makes it very interesting and liberating. That is why I consider it a unique type. The sound healing, on the other hand, was just magnificent – a new, relaxing, and soothing experience for me. All the bowls and the tuning forks made me feel the vibration in my mind until it went totally blank. It is simply wonderful, and I LOVED it.

Nader Abdulhadi


Shamanic Healing in London. 

Shaman Shamanic Healing near battersea, london

 recently had a healing session with Scott and felt amazing afterward. I was feeling low on energy and getting quite stressed out, but after a few hours of Tai Chi, drumming, and sound work with Scott, I felt peacefully energized and totally in love with my life again. Thank you so much.

Scott has been doing holistic healing for over ten years, using sound instruments, voice crystals, and mind and body work in his sessions. If you would like to see a new approach, give Scott a call at 07841 144 878 or email [email protected].

Sharon (Artist )

Shamanic Healing Session in London. 

Shaman Shamanic Healing near battersea, london

Holistic Chakras Healing 

One healing session with Scott made me feel different. I was relaxed and felt good with my body. I could feel my energy flow was smooth, regular, and fluid. It was as if a heavy weight had gone off my shoulders. Scott is so much more than a personal trainer; he is a magician made for you. I can’t recommend him enough.

Stéphanie (CHEK Practitioner Level 1)

Here are some other of Scott’s blogs:

  1. Chakras Energy Balance Personal Training London
  2. 7 Ways To Improve Your Health Without Exercise Detox
  3. 9 Health Fitness Tips For Sleep Diet And Lifestyle London
  4. Online Holistic Diet Lifestyle Exercise Coaching London
  5. Detox Your Body And Mind Personal Fitness Trainer in London
Shamanic Healing and Personal Trainer Near Battersea,London

Scott, a Shaman in London

Book a Shamanic healing session with Scott!

He has studied the Shamanic way of healing, is a certified master Paul Chek practitioner (level 5), YMCA Master Personal Trainer, Chek holistic lifestyle practitioner (level 3), Chek Golf sports performance specialist, Sports massage therapist, Acupressure Chair massage therapist, and an advanced Metabolic typing advisor.

To get started on your healing journey, you need to book ten sessions, which are paid for upfront. Your investment enables Scott to really get to the root of the problem and helps you overcome it.

Get in touch today via live chat on the website, email [email protected], or call Scott at (07841) 144878. 

Book Scott out Now” 

Holistic Health for Proper Geezers and Classy Ladies

Shaman Shamanic Healing Near Me

Buy Scott’s Book Now!

This book is short but is bursting at the seams with information.