Clinic Holistic Health Solutions:

Certified Master C.H.E.K. Practitioner

in London


Master Paul C.H.E.K. Practitioner Level 5

Scott Bryant

Master C.H.E.K. Practitioner & 25 years Master Personal Trainer London.

Naturopathic medicine sports massage therapist Chakra Healing


C.H.E.K Practitioner Rehab & Corrective Exercise London

C.H.E.K Practitioner Rehab & Corrective Exercise London

Clinic Holistic Health C.H.E.K Practitioner Rehab & Corrective Exercise London

Paul Chek and Scott Bryant healing session. With Paul Chek in his home San Diego, CA

Scott Bryant fitness podcast


                     Scott Fitness Podcast On Archer Podcast 

C.H.E.K Practitioner Rehab & Corrective Exercise London

Why use Paul C.H.E.K Practitioners Are the best in world at Exercise and High-performance Kinesiology,

Holistic Health Solutions in London

Are you. stressed and tired all the time? Are you worried about your health? Do you feel letdown by your local gym And you’ve seen many professionals Including personal trainers And you still can’t Seem to get the result That you’re looking for Whether it is to improve Golf Sports performance Or just to understand exercise or get out of pain or know your own body at a deeper level Or maybe you’re unhappy with your existing Personal Trainer Not giving you the Results you booked them for Well, don’t worry help is here Would you like to work with somebody that really cares about you? And would you like Someone to help you Get back on track With your health and fitness But you’re looking for someone Not just one qualification But someone that has mastered their field and someone that Caring and compassionate To help you. 
C.H.E.K Practitioner Rehab & Corrective Exercise London

Paul CHEK teaching tai chi Scott was there

with your stress pain or being overweight Everybody is an individual and everybody has a different fingerprint So no one looks the same, so no one should get the same exercise program or same diet And this is what you get with Active Bryant Fitness Systems Chek Clinic. we look at your body from the inside out. What we you see on the outside is going on on the inside? Scott has worked with Elite professionals He He pride himself ongoing Deeper Then anyone else? in London Just looking at your physical health looking at your mental emotional and spiritual health Scott leaves no stone unturned In which To guarantee his results. If you’d like to know more read below And get in touch Today.

Holistic Health Paul C.H.E.K Practitioners are specialists in Corrective Exercise and High-performance Kinesiology, developed by Paul C.H.E.K.. They are trained in assessment techniques and individualised application of exercise and exercise programs. The higher the level completed, the more practical knowledge and experience they will have, particularly in complex orthopaedic conditions. A Maters C.H.E.K Practitioner has completed all five levels, plus passed a rigorous battery of exams, written a thesis and shown excellence in live presentations and in clinical experience.

Call:SCOTT NOW ON:07841144878

Scott Bryant CHEK License

C.H.E.K Practitioner Rehab & Corrective Exercise London

C.H.E.K Holistic Lifestyle Coaches:

are specialists in wellness, stress management and lifestyle coaching. They have completed one or more levels of the C.H.E.K Holistic Lifestyle Coach program, including all the required prerequisites for that level. The higher the Level completed, the more practical knowledge and experience they will have. CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coaches level 3 come from a highly varied background, including fitness professionals, health care professionals, nutritionists, dieticians and so on.

It is important to assess the body from a causative point of view rather than address the problem from the point of pain or injury, and that is what we do.  This is to ensure that the problem does not reoccur and the individual can continue on their path to excelling.

Shamanic Energy Medicine Healing: Empower Yourself to Heal.London

Shamanic Energy Medicine Healing: Empower Yourself to Heal. London

C.H.E.K. Practitioners are widely demanded:

and often the first choice of professional athletes and sports teams and draw, as well as celebrities and stunt trainers. Why? C.H.E.K. Practitioners learn numerous techniques and assessments based on orthopaedics, massage therapy, and alternative healthcare. It has been proven that once a trainer or coach takes just one C.H.E.K Advanced course, they are placed in the top 10% of their field worldwide.

Clinic Holistic Health C.H.E.K Practitioner Rehab & Corrective Exercise London

Body and mind assessment:

C.H.E.K Practitioner operates from the highest level:

of practical and clinical courses to achieve their unique skills and become the top professionals in the exercise field.Over 100 orthopaedic assessments and techniques based upon the latest clinical experience and research from famous physical therapists, orthopedists, chiropractors, osteopaths and the work of Paul Chek is taught and applied.Furthermore, to remain in practice every C.H.E.K. practitioner must continue their education every year to stay primed with latest research, studies, practices and techniques.

Here some more of Scott’s blogs:

  1. Who The Best Charles Poliquin or Paul Chek
  2. Strength Coach Be Stronger Lift More Battersea London 
  3. 7 Best Ways Maximise Gym Workout Performance Fast Battersea
  4. How To Design The Perfect Workout Program London
  5. Golf Swing Fitness Program Personal Trainer In Battersea London
  6. Lower Back Pain Coach Rehabilitation London


I can come to your home or office or You can come to me or online 

C.H.E.K Practitioner Battersea Park,C.H.E.K. Practitioner Clapham Common,Royal Borough Parks of C.H.E.K Practitioner Kensington, and C.H.E.K.Personal trainer Chelsea,in London.
C.H.E.K Practitioner London

Buy Scott Bryant book.


It took me one year to write my book and 6 years to become the first master Paul Chek practitioner level 5 in London. uk I had worked hard and Pay lots of money, to give my clients the best. In personal fitness training and coaching  in London. And to help them heal there’s body from the inside out  using the  Chek methods and what I have learned in 25 years as a personal trainer in London in my book you will learn about me and my struggles and about how I use a holistic system to help any one I can heal there body and mind and lower back pain.and how to over come  there health issue and keep strong as you age and not to give up on your exercise program.and learn to love who you are. and give up on you dreams!!

Click here C.H.E.K. personal trainer prices

C.H.E.K Practitioner Rehab & Corrective Exercise London

Scott Bryant Master C.H.E.K. Practitioner

Scott really loves his job with a deep passion. and he’s not happy until he’s got you the results. you want, you come to him for Scott goes deeper than your doctor physio or osteopath  Scotts clients come to him because they’re frustrated with their doctors physios and osteopaths and they’ve heard about the Paul Chek Practitioner system Scott all ways guarantees he results provided you put the hard work in to get the result. Scott doesn’t leave any stone unturned with his clients to get them back to sports performance or to get them out or lower back pain.and bette sports performance golf, tennis, polo, Rugby, you don’t have to be into sport you can just be someone who cares about their health Scott is not cheap But you get what you pay for but if you’re looking for optimum results get in touch with the master Chek Practitioner level 5 today Scott Bryant he be happy to chat to about your needs

On 07841144878 Call: Today.