Personal Trainers and Therapists Business Mentoring Online

Mentoring and Coaching Online 

I will mentor you to success

Personal Training, Fitness Business Mentoring,

& Coaching Online or in London

BooK You’re FREE 15 mins Call With Scott Now!

License Paul C.H.E.K Master Practitioner level 5 

And Sherman Partitioner.

Personal Trainers and Therapists Business Mentoring Online

Personal Trainers Fitness Coaches and Therapists

I coach you to Business Success

Mentoring on Online

Free Guaranteed results!

*Health and wellness business professionals mentoring you from anywhere in the world,

Online or face-to-face*

tips for health back and 10 fat loss secrets now

Mentoring Have you just finished your qualification as a personal trainer Coach or Therapists you’re looking to get into the gym but don’t know how to approach Clients because but wasn’t taught anything on your course well youre not the only one to be successful PT at the gym takes determination, honesty and compassion, but you have to remember that only 3% of clients in the gym really want a personal trainer. but if you have a bubbly personality And a body other people admire It may be easier for you to get clients, but unfortunately 95% Percent of trainers dont do it in the gym and they give up within the first three months please don’t let this be you give me a call and I’ll let you have 15 minutes of my time for free and we can talk about how you become more successful.

Personal Trainer What does Scott do? For over 25 years, Scott has been helping trainers and coach therapists make more money, save more money, and book their schedules solid to live their dreams of working less and having more time to do what they love. Scott mentors with deep passion, understanding, and determination that drive you to succeed in your fitness business, guaranteed!

What makes Scott qualified? Scott has been a Personal Fitness Trainer for over 25 years in Battersea in London and “wears many hats” as a certified first-level 5 Paul C.H.E.K Master: Level 5 C.H.E.K Practitioner, C.H.E.K Holistic Diet and Lifestyle Coach, and level 3 golf sports specialist. Scott is also a shaman healer, practitioner, sports massage therapist, FDN practitioner, and CMTA Advance Advisor. He is a dedicated C.H.E.K Academy Mentor and has been coaching and mentoring individuals worldwide. Let Scott coach you to success!

 Where can I see some of Scott’s work? Scott is now the author of his first book, helping “ordinary” people like you take control of their lives to further their dreams. He has over 2,500 videos on YouTube with over 9,000 subscribers and has recorded over 100 apple podcasts. His latest book, is on and Amazon with 50 five-star reviews! He has been featured in The Observer newspaper and on the radio on Breeze FM, among many other publications. He was worked with a range of professionals from pop stars and movie stars, make-up artists, mums and dads, CEOs, and ‘just-starters.’ He is an expert in Google and marketing with over 124-pages of his website ranked on the first page on Google, Bing, and Yahoo for 100 google search terms! Scott is always up-to-date on current research and trends to provide his clients with the absolute best. He is now working on his second book, coming out in December 2023!


‘Learn How to Get Free Online Marketing for Your Fitness and Coaching Business! and Free Money online!

I Will Mentor You on All of the Below… and Beyond! Earn More when you learn more!

  1. How and why you must write a book.
  2. How and why you must set up work shop.
  3. Why using personal trainer studio or gym can be bad for your business. 
  4. Why 95% of personal trainers struggle to get clients  
  5. How to not give up on your fitness, coaching, and business dreams.
  6. Why you must not lower your fees or prices (value your worth!).
  7. How to keep in black, not in red, in your business accounts.
  8. What the best website types are and why.
  9. How to double your rate.
  10. And much more!

And much more

Here is some quick links to my other services that you may be interested in

7. Nutritional and gut healing. 

Read testimonials below of some of the personal fitness trainers and coaches and Paul C.H.E.K. practitioners he has helped. You will also find links to some helpful books you can start to read to help you with your coaching business.

Holistic Health for Proper Geezers and Classy Ladies.

Personal Trainers Books London

Holistic Health in London

Scott can do one to one session on phone Skype or face to face the minimum booking 10 session to be pay for up front you must have a budget to pay for another thing that will need pay like web site and ads and other  so now all you need to call Scott on 07841144878 book you place are limited to 10 trainers payment needs be up front or by DD with deposit

I’m feeling all kinds of grateful, and I just gotta share why. So, check it out. I had this client situation that was giving me major headaches. You know how it goes – sometimes things just don’t click, and you’re left scratching your head. I reached out to Scott, and let me tell you, it was a game-changer! Scott’s not just any mentor – he’s like that wise uncle who always knows what to say. He dropped some serious knowledge bombs on me, giving me practical tips that had me feeling like I could take on the world.

It’s crazy how a little guidance can flip your whole perspective, right? Here’s the thing, though. It’s not just about having someone to turn to when you’re stuck. It’s about surrounding yourself with people who push you to be your best self. Scott’s one of those people for me. I was feeling perplexed by the case and now I am fired up and inspired to help guide more people to holistic health.

Remember, we’re all on this journey together. Having the right squad around you can make all the difference. I am incredibly blessed to have a bonafide senior mentor in my CHEK journey.

Lewin Tomas 

Personal Trainers and Therapists Business Mentoring Online
A few months ago I first talked to Scott on the phone. What I noticed was that I felt he was genuinely interested in me and my current (professional) life situation. Wich is awesome because most people only care about themselves nowadays. 
Scott described himself as a no bullshit person, who loves a good laugh aswell, wich I find to be absolutely true because I met him in real life. 
He has a direct way of talking, clearly delivering the message without disrespecting the other person.
Scott has a very balances personality. He cheers you without pushing and talks realistic without frightening.
I am very glad that I met Scott and I hope we will be friends for many more years 
The definition of a mentor is: “an experienced and trusted adviser.” totally suits Scott.
A few months ago I first talked to Scott on the phone. What I noticed was that I felt he was genuinely interested in me and my current (professional) life situation. Wich is awesome because most people only care about themselves nowadays. 

Personal Trainers and Therapists Business Mentoring Online Scott Bryant is one of the most friendly honest loving people who helps me. I lost my job at my local weightlifting club and I want some direct about starting a personal training career. I email Scott and explain my dilemma in a message on the Scott website. This man phones the next day and gave me advice on personal training as a career. Scott told me the up and the down. Scott believes in me and has inspired me with his words and knowledge. He gave me business advice, words of encouragement, he told me the traps to avoid, he told me about his career with ups and down, and most importantly he made my day. He made me feel good about myself, about my future and about my life. If you want personal training, advice, guided, getting out of pain etc, then Scott Bryant is the man. I am glad to call Scott Bryant a friend of my mine. Scott Bryant is a wonderful human being. I still can’t believe that Scott phones me and help me. I am so gratefully to Scott.

Personal Trainers and Therapists Business Mentoring Online

“I believe that everything in life happens for a reason and I have been on a journey to where I am today for a purp. This journey has been greatly influenced by the people who have made a positive impact on me. My recent experience of the help I have received from Scott Bryant CHEK Master Practitioner and Master Personal Trainer has had a lasting effect on me. I am a Personal Trainer and presently completing CHEK Exercise Coach. I have also studied Holistic Lifestyle Coaching in depth and now and HLC2. I have achieved these qualifications with much help and encouragement from Business Mentoring London

My past is chequered with a history of illness brought about by a downward spiral of ever-increasing stress. Due to the stress of working busy shifts as a Registered Nurse, two divorces, bringing up my children on my own under the duress of low nurses wages, I became very unwell indeed with the condition adrenal fatigue. For a while, I had done fast pace aerobic exercise and calorie-

restricted diets, which had a terrible effect on my adrenal glands. Adrenal fatigue is a term used to denote a syndrome due to decreased ability of the adrenal glands to respond adequately to stresses. It affects the daily lives of those suffering from it. It is a less severe condition than Addison’s disease.

When I finally decided to do something about the terrible bouts of depression I had been experiencing as a result of my adrenal fatigue. I went on to train as a Personal Trainer. This was as a result of being encouraged by other fitness professionals to do this. I knew this was what I wanted to continue doing with my life so I took early retirement from full-time nursing and started setting up business as a PT. However, following several months work as a PT in a Glasgow Gym, I found this very unsatisfactory and wished to pursue a more holistic approach. Whilst looking online I came across The CHEK Institute. I proceeded to apply for the course and study to become a Holistic Lifestyle Coach (HLC) Level 1 and with my study to Scott’s help as my Mentor, I have progressed to HLC 2 and CHEK Exercise Coach. Debbie Miller

CHEK Exercise Coach CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 2 Go to Debbie’s 

Personal Trainers and Therapists Business Mentoring Online

CHEK exercise coach

Business Mentoring

I have been working with Scott for 6 months now. He is my coach, and my in the Chek Europe academy, both of which he balances well. Before I met Scott I would have laughed at ideas (like every other misinformed, and close-minded person,) such as; Tai Chi, eating organic food, avoiding gluten, drinking half my body weight in warm water that was sourced from a natural spring, to name a few. His willingness to be persistent and teach me the value of such practices, has not only helped me grow to be more open-minded, he has helped me get rid of a leaky-gut that I have been carrying around (and trying and failing to fix a number of times with diet after diet,) for at least a decade.I would recommend Scott Bryant to any potential client, due to his extensive knowledge in diet, exercise, spirituality, and also the amount of love and care that he was lying dormant in his body, waiting to be projected onto you. You needn’t look any further. Book a consultation, and get ready to grow into the energetic, healthy, radiant human being you never knew you could be…

Samuel Smith C.H.E.K. Exercise coach

Personal Trainers and Therapists Business Mentoring Online

Personal Trainer Business Mentoring USA 

Working with my Mentor, Scott, has brought me personal inspiration. He has a way of guiding me to the answers that have been inside me all along. However, I had struggled to discover on my own. He seems to know every resource for growth whether it’s physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Besides having enough books to read for the next year, I’m physically stronger through following his advice on my exercise program and he assisted me in getting into a daily/weekly routine, which has been the most helpful aspect of working with Scott. I have more energy, I’m more productive, and I’m allotting more time to do the things that I love. If you’re seeking to better in your life I would recommend Scott; he’s the best and I’m better for working with him.…and he’s better for working with me….

Julie Arriola USA CHEK Practitioner Level 1 CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coaching level 2.

✪   Personal Trainer  Business Mentoring in London 

CHEK Practitioner Business Mentoring the USA Personal Trainers and Therapists Business Mentoring Online

I have been working with Scott for a few months now and he has been a tremendous help. Scott is a very knowledgeable coach and very different from most people you will come across at your local gym. Rather than focusing solely on training, Scott takes a look at you as a whole and will customize a program suited to all areas of your life to achieve results that training alone just won’t do. He has helped me very much with my own coaching practice and I look forward to seeing what we can achieve together in the future!

Stephen Danielle USA CHEK Holistic Lifestyle Coach Level 2 CHEK Golf Performance  

“Scott is good fun to work with, very generous with his time and knowledge and is an extremely dedicated Master C.H.E.K Practitioner Level 4.

“As we all know there are no shortcuts or quick fixes to reach optimal fitness, health, and wellbeing. Scott has helped to understand how everything in the body is interlinked and at each stage, Scott has recommended books for me to study to deepen my understanding.

“Scott’s positive influence has prompted me to learn even more and as a direct result, I have joined the CHEK Europe Training Academy.

“I would not hesitate to recommend Scott to anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the industry, whilst also gaining the practical experience and confidence required to successfully apply the C.H.E.K approach.

Thank you, Scott, I look forward to learning more from you over the years ahead.”


Call Scott Now 07841144878 Now or live chat with us NOW on the homepage of website