Top Rules You Need To know

Fitness Training for Over 40s

To keep looking and feeling young

Weight training can be an effective way to maintain and improve physical fitness as we age,

even after the age of 40. Here are some tips for weight training after age 40:

  1. Consult with a doctor: It’s always a good idea to consult with a doctor before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any medical conditions.
  2. Start slowly: Begin with lighter weights and fewer repetitions, and gradually increase the weight and intensity over time. This will help to prevent injury and allow your body to adapt to the new demands.
  3. Focus on form: Proper form is essential to getting the most out of your weight training, and it can also help to prevent injury. Consider working with a trainer to learn proper form and technique.
  4. Include a variety of exercises: Incorporate a variety of exercises to target different muscle groups and avoid overuse injuries. Focus on exercises that strengthen the major muscle groups, such as the chest, back, legs, and core.
  5. Allow for adequate recovery time: As we age, our bodies may require more time to recover from exercise. Make sure to allow for adequate recovery time between weight training sessions.
  6. Consider nutrition: Adequate nutrition is important for muscle growth and recovery. Consider working with a registered dietitian to ensure that you are getting the nutrients you need to support your weight training program.

Remember, weight training can be a great way to stay active and healthy as we age, but it’s important to approach it in a safe and sustainable way.

Top Rules You Need To know Fitness Training for Over 40s

Weight training is important as we age for several reasons:

  1. Muscle mass and strength: As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass and strength, which can lead to a decline in physical function and an increased risk of falls and fractures. Weight training can help to maintain and even increase muscle mass and strength, improving physical function and reducing the risk of falls and fractures.
  2. Bone health: Weight training has been shown to increase bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
  3. Metabolism: As we age, our metabolism tends to slow down, making it easier to gain weight and harder to lose weight. Weight training can help to increase muscle mass, which can boost metabolism and make it easier to maintain a healthy weight.
  4. Joint health: Weight training can help to strengthen the muscles around joints, reducing the risk of joint pain and injury.
  5. Mental health: Exercise, including weight training, has been shown to improve mood and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety, which can become more common as we age.

Overall, weight training is an important part of a healthy lifestyle as we age, helping to maintain physical function, prevent injury, and improve overall health and well-being

Top Rules You Need To know Fitness Training for Over 40s

Alcohol consumption can lower your t levels 

can have a negative impact on testosterone levels. Studies have shown that acute alcohol consumption can lower testosterone levels in both men and women. One study found that a single bout of heavy drinking (defined as consuming 5 or more drinks in a 2-hour period) significantly reduced testosterone levels in men for up to 24 hours after the drinking session.

Long-term heavy drinking can also have a negative impact on testosterone levels. Chronic alcohol abuse has been shown to reduce testosterone production in men, leading to symptoms such as decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, and infertility. In women, chronic alcohol consumption has been associated with menstrual irregularities and decreased fertility.

Moderate alcohol consumption (defined as up to 1 drink per day for women and up to 2 drinks per day for men) may not have as significant an impact on testosterone levels, but it is still important to consume alcohol in moderation and be aware of the potential negative effects on overall health and well-being

As we age, our bodies undergo a number of changes that can affect our overall health and well-being.

Regular exercise, including going to the gym, becomes even more important after the age of 40 for several reasons:

  1. Loss of muscle mass and strength: Starting in our 30s, we begin to lose muscle mass and strength. By the time we reach our 40s, this loss of muscle mass and strength can start to impact our physical function and increase our risk of falls and fractures. Regular exercise, including strength training at the gym, can help to maintain and even increase muscle mass and strength.
  2. Decreased metabolism: As we age, our metabolism tends to slow down, making it easier to gain weight and harder to lose weight. Regular exercise, including high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and strength training, can help to boost metabolism and maintain a healthy weight.
  3. Increased risk of chronic diseases: As we age, our risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers increases. Regular exercise, including cardio and strength training, can help to reduce the risk of these diseases.
  4. Bone health: As we age, our bones become more brittle and prone to fractures. Regular weight-bearing exercise, including strength training at the gym, can help to maintain and increase bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
  5. Mental health: Regular exercise has been shown to improve mood and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety, which can become more common as we age.

Overall, regular exercise and going to the gym can help to maintain physical function, prevent chronic diseases, improve mental health, and enhance overall quality of life as we age.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle as we age is important for several reasons:

  1. Preventing chronic diseases: As we age, our risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers increases. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, not smoking, and limiting alcohol intake, can help to reduce the risk of these diseases.
  2. Maintaining physical function: As we age, we naturally lose muscle mass and strength, which can lead to a decline in physical function and an increased risk of falls and fractures. A healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, including strength training, can help to maintain and even increase muscle mass and strength, improving physical function and reducing the risk of falls and fractures.
  3. Improving mental health: Regular exercise and a healthy diet have been shown to improve mood and reduce the risk of depression and anxiety, which can become more common as we age.
  4. Enhancing cognitive function: A healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, has been associated with better cognitive function and a reduced risk of cognitive decline and dementia.
  5. Increasing longevity: Adopting a healthy lifestyle can help to increase longevity and improve overall quality of life as we age.

Overall, a healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, not smoking, and limiting alcohol intake is important for maintaining physical function, preventing chronic diseases, improving mental health, and enhancing overall quality of life as we age

Top Rules You Need To know Fitness Training for Over 40s

Do wee need supplement as we age

Whether or not we need supplements as we age depends on our individual dietary needs and health status. While it is possible to get all of the nutrients we need from a healthy diet, some people may benefit from taking supplements to ensure they are getting enough of certain nutrients. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Nutrient deficiencies: As we age, our bodies may have a harder time absorbing certain nutrients, such as vitamin B12 and vitamin D. If you are deficient in a particular nutrient, your healthcare provider may recommend a supplement.
  2. Restricted diets: Some people, particularly older adults, may have restricted diets due to medical conditions or medication use. In these cases, a supplement may be needed to ensure adequate nutrient intake.
  3. Age-related conditions: Some age-related conditions, such as osteoporosis or age-related macular degeneration, may benefit from specific nutrient supplements.

It’s important to note that taking excessive amounts of certain supplements can be harmful, so it’s important to talk to your healthcare provider before starting any supplement regimen. They can help determine if you have any nutrient deficiencies or if there are any supplements that may be beneficial for your individual needs.

Do we need to do less as we age

As we age, our bodies may require fewer calories than when we were younger, due to a decrease in muscle mass, a decrease in physical activity levels, and changes in metabolism. However, it’s important to note that calorie needs can vary widely among individuals and depend on factors such as height, weight, activity level, and overall health.

While it may be true that some people may require fewer calories as they age, it’s important to focus on the quality of the calories we consume, rather than just the quantity. A balanced, nutrient-dense diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats is important for maintaining overall health and preventing chronic diseases.

In addition to diet, regular exercise is also important for maintaining a healthy weight and overall health as we age. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, as well as strength training exercises at least twice a week to maintain muscle mass and strength.

Overall, while it’s true that our calorie needs may decrease as we age, it’s important to focus on a balanced, nutrient-dense diet and regular exercise to maintain overall health and well-being.

Who is Scott's Bryant? C.H.E.K Personal Trainer London

Scott Bryant? Personal Trainer  London

Scott has been working out over 30 years. I’ve been working out clients for the last 25 Scott is now 52 years old and still working out like he was 21 so if you’d like to keep feeling young and looking young you need consistently to exercise and get your diet right stay away from food devils and a regular exercise. Many people can’t do this on their own. Scott, unique holistic services he will coach you and teach you the right  exercise, the best diet to keep you looking and feeling younger as you