1 to1 Sports Injury Rehabilitation Personal Trainer in London

Sports Injury Rehabilitation:London

C.H.E.K.Personal Trainer

 We find the root cause of your injury 


C.H.E.K Certified Practitioner level 5 

Over Come Injury with Exercise Rehabilitation

Sports Injury Rehabilitation Personal Trainer in London

1to1 Sports injury performance injuries can be debilitating and frustrating especially when you want to get back to your sport fast Scott has been helping clients with sports injuries for over 25 years using his in-depth understanding of anatomy physiology and sports performance Scott is a master Chek Practitioner Does 150 assessments to get to the root cause of your pain. and to get you back to your sport and recover from your sports injury whether you’re a golfer tennis player Skier boxer what song is this just had an injury and you would like to get back to exercise in the gym Scott designs your workout program around your sports performers injury you can get back To playing at your best fast.

Here are some tips for sports injury rehabilitation recover: 

  1. Follow your rehabilitation plan: Stick to the rehabilitation plan provided by your physical therapist or athletic trainer. This plan is designed to help you recover and prevent re-injury.
  2. Be patient: Recovery takes time, and progress may be slow at first. Be patient with yourself and trust the process.
  3. Communicate with your therapist/trainer: Keep your therapist/trainer informed about any pain or discomfort you are experiencing. This will help them adjust your treatment plan as needed.
  4. Stay active: Stay active during your rehabilitation, but avoid any activities that could aggravate your injury. Your therapist/trainer can help you find appropriate exercises.
  5. Rest and recover: Rest is an essential part of the recovery process. Make sure you are getting enough sleep and taking time to rest your body.
  6. Maintain a healthy diet: A healthy diet can help support your body’s recovery process. Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of protein, fruits, and vegetables.
  7. Take care of your mental health: Recovering from a sports injury can be challenging both physically and mentally. Make sure you are taking care of your mental health by staying positive, seeking support from friends and family, and considering talking to a mental health professional if needed.

Remember, the goal of sports injury rehabilitation is to help you recover from your injury and return to your sport at your best possible level. Following these tips can help you achieve that goal.

I can help you with sports rehabilitation:

I am passionate about individuals having the opportunity to live an active, athletic-based lifestyle, so when injury or pain gets in the way, we are here to help you achieve your goals to get back to the activities that are important to you. This may mean rec=––overing from an injury to get back into a team sport, but it may also mean being able to play with your grandchildren or remain competitive with your friends! Whether your preferred activity is gardening, boxing, weightlifting at the gym, dancing, yoga, tennis, or anything in between, we want to help you do the things that you love doing better than before, and for as long as possible. We will help you with any musculoskeletal injury, sports-related or not, by developing a personalised care plan. I offer one-to-one C.H.E.K. training to get you back to doing what you love.
Sports Injury Rehabilitation Personal Trainer in London
Why are people get sports injuries. they can be related to Posture or just over training. in your sport but what I’ve seen for many years is it many people Bad posture is weak core.And an even balance in muscle flexibility stability And strength this is what the physio will look at to correct your injury some peoples diets are so bad even though they’re athletes They don’t understand what you eat makes up your body and the muscle structure I would say that 90% of athletes overtrain if you look at footballers they’re on the pitch for about 90 minutes and then I may be going from game to game as well as doing the training for the game football this is where an overuse injury can come in or may have a flexibility issue in quads hamstrings and calves but I think it’s fundamentally i’m really bad program design and a lot of physios and personal trainers do you not understand program design in deafly and physiological load in the body and hair the stress that you’re under in your life may cause you to have an injury so let’s say you’re going through a divorce and you can’t sleep at night but then you’re going to the gym 14 sport of golf tennis rugby and you’re smashing it to let go of the stress what you’re really doing is stressing your body out more Unfortunately physios don’t look at this deep enough because of the amount of clients they see each day that arrange it if you look at marathon runners and bodies are not designed to run for the amount of duration that a marathon runner may do a muscles strong  don’t weight training to keep the muscle The elite in football rugby golf and tennis I like mini bodybuilders because I know keeping the muscle strong keeps the ligaments joints and tendons strong which then reduces whether they will get injured or not I’ve worked with 300 clients and I found that the clients the exercise four days a week for a month and then have a week off Have much better results than the athlete that he keeps Pushing harder and harder to then get the result of a bad injury I found working with many clients’ alignment and good strength really pays off so you don’t have to spend lots of money seeing the physio chiropractor or osteopath

Sports Injury Rehabilitation Personal Trainer London

Common injuries and conditions that we can help with: 

  • Golf- lower back pain 
  • Boxing- neck injury
  • Running- knees injury
  • click here
  • Tennis- arm injury
  • Chronic pain (back, knee, shoulder, neck)
  • Herniated Spinal Disc
  • Poor posture
  • Sciatica 
  • Fibromyalgia 
  • Shoulder injuries
  • click here
  • General flexibility

Free down load tips for health back and 10 fat loss secrets now

In our unique rehabilitation programme, we will: 

  • Complete full-body, pain and stress, and pain and injury assessments
  • Administer a movement screen
  • Provide tips to help with and alleviate pain
  • Work to get you back to your game, sport, workout, etc
  • Elevate your exercise regimen to ensure that you get what you need to get back to your ‘old self.’

    click here personal trainer prices

Sports Injury Rehabilitation Personal Trainer London

I initially contacted Scott after fracturing several ribs whilst skiing. As a result of working with Scott over many months, I completely renovated my diet, and in conjunction with a tailored training program, improved my strength, fitness, and lifestyle for the better. Thanks to my time with Scott, I am stronger, leaner, more energetic, and much less stressed. Highly recommended!


Sports Injury Rehabilitation Personal Trainer in London

Physiotherapist Sports performance injuries can be debilitating and frustrating especially when you want to get back to your sport fast Scott has been helping clients with sports injuries for over 25 years using his in-depth understanding of anatomy physiology and sports performance Scott is a master Chek Practitioner Does 150 assessments to get to the root cause of your pain and to get you back to your sport and recover from your sports injury whether you’re a golfer tennis player Skia boxer what song is this just had an injury and you would like to get back to exercise in the gym Scott designs your workout program around your sports performers injury you can get back To playing at your best soon call Scott or email him he be happy to help to help you. get back as fast he can but some time it can take time.for the body to heal but with Scott 25 years it will.