Holistic Personal Fitness Training London

Holistic in London

What makes us holistic in 


 Personal coaching sessions 

Holistic Personal Training London

Holistic personal trainers When we working with our clients. because to be holistic is looking at the body from the inside out. What I have been doing for the last 25 years in London is using a holistic approach utilising tai chi, meditation, yoga, chakra rebalancing, shamanism oils, healing, herbs mantras and Holistic, diet and lifestyle analysis.posture correction.

Holistic Personal Fitness Training Battersea in London

Holistic Personal Fitness Training Battersea in London

characterised by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole. characterised by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of a disease.

I use a very comprehensive corrective exercise assessment system with over 145 individual assessments that combined take up to 4 hours. As a Master CHEK practitioner based in London, I use functional assessments as well as therapies gleaned from ancient wisdom. I also use Peru  Shamanic practices to ascertain any blockages along the ancestral line which may be impacting the individuals’ current growth and healing.
During my 25 years of practice as a holistic personal trainer based in London, I have seen many people not reach their health and exercise goals We use many complementary with our clients and get results.

Holistic Personal Fitness Training Battersea in London

Holistic complementary therapies we use in our personal training sessions London 

  1. Mind body meditation. 
  2. Lifestyle coaching. 
  3. Chakra Healing.  
  4. Yoga exercise.
  5. Shaman haling session. 
  6. Mindfulness. 
  7. Naturopath.
  8. Shaman energy healing.

Holistic Personal Fitness Training Battersea in London

Therapeutic touch Given the high number of people not meeting their health and fitness goals (98%), it is my view that this is due to the vast majority of personal trainers taking a very narrow view of health and fitness. Given this narrow view and therefore limited understanding of the individual, more often than not the real cause of the issue with the individual is misdiagnosed or missed altogether.active bryant fitness systems we go deep on diet and lifestyle with 145 body Mind and exercise pain assessment and healing your whole bodyScott has been using holistic health techniques for many years with his clients, getting great success with weight loss, Back Pain, sports performance and corrective exercise. Scott believes you have to think outside the box and look at the body from holistic point of view to truly, get long-lasting results Scott will coach you on corrective, exercise or lifestyle, and how to use holistic techniques to keep pain-free into. Keep your life in balance, so the pain all the weight does a creep back. Call Scott today 07841144878 all live chat with him to get an appointment booked