Gain 30 LBS Muscle size in 12 weeks London 

Muscle size and strength London

Battersea In London


Gaining 30Lb Muscle In 12 Weeks Battersea Battersea In London

 Gain 30 lb of muscle in weeks is it truly possible I can say from my own experience it is 100% during lockdown I went down to 11 stone from the stress of being locked down in my own home and couldn’t train with weights the gyms were close I was just doing internal healing exercise healingThe exercises used to be 14 stone I went down to 11 stone after six weeks I decided to buy some Some weight training equipment like Kettlebells Culbell dumbbells Swiss balls and a Bosu and TRX and a body blade so I started to train with these bits of kit minimum of four times a week I’ve always been a big fan of Charles Poliquin And remember I had the German body comp program book had form 2OO4 I started to read this and realise this was a golden book  in which for me to get my muscle mass back age 51 so I started doing German volume training and increased my supplement intake and I started gaining My mass back got my arms up to 18 inches from 17 inches using the methods in German volume training from Charles Poliquin Book with only home workout.

12 weeks to have more strength and size!

How To Gain 30 Lbs Of Muscle In 12 Weeks Of Muscle Size
12 weeks to have more strength is all about your determination and your wheel to succeed and a great programme designed to make sure you’re on track and maybe the strength coach like myself when it comes to program design for 12 weeks have  more strength It’s all about tempos the speed of movement when you lift the weight and how many exercises you have in your program and how many sets and reps too much would be detrimental to your benefit and games too little means nothing at all, but if you look at the hit method of training It was being used in 1958 No theyre only 15 minutes of working out can give you some great gains, but if youre 51 like myself Maybe not be possible this is where German volume training comes in but if youve not trained consistently for two years you should not attend German volume training because you will damage ligaments and tendons but if you’ve been training for over two years you will absolutely love German volume training and the results you get from it like me going from 11stone Up to just under 15 stone

Here link to Scott how get the best workout Progham.  

Read more of Scott blogs. 

Read my bodybuilding  BLOG How To Gain 30 Lbs Of Muscle In 12 Weeks Of Muscle Weight And Strength Battersea In London

Holistic Health Supplements 12 Weeks for Bigger Muscle

Gaining 30Lb Muscle In 12 Weeks Battersea Battersea In London

Gaining 30lb of muscle its not just about German volume training its about what you put inside your body after and before your hard training sessions what is needed areGood quality BCAA Up to 20 per session L glutamine Creating Good quality fish oils, vitamin d and Lcarntitine If you try these like I have you will see huge benefits and huge gains Or many years Ive never really taken any protein supplements in which to build size Ive taken supplements to rebalance gut health, but not generally to put on size because Im quite a big guy to start with but I realised how depleted my body was in certain muscle gaining vitamins minerals so give these a try yourself to get awesome results like I’ve experienced

Gaining 30 LB Muscle In Weeks Muscle weight and strength Battersea In London

Gaining muscle mass of up to 30lb is possible with determination excellent diet great supplements and a fantastic program I’ve been designing programs and working out clients for over 22 years I studied with the Chek Institute and become the first master practitioner in London I study for the YMCA and I’ve been working out for over 32 years so working out is my passion and helping other people is my passion this is why I’ve written this blog today I hope you enjoyed the blog and if you need any help don’t hesitate to contact me never give up Your goals all your dreams no matter what’s going on in your life you can do it every time