Personal Trainers Fitness and Health Books London

 Personal Trainers Fitness and Health Books

Books Every Personal Trainer

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Personal Trainers Books London

Holistic Health in London

This is my first ever Book I’ve written it was hard going to find the people to help me write the book because I have dyslexia but I didn’t let it stop me I’m determined to get what I want so it took over a year to write the book and then to get it published was a feat in itself but after getting it published I’ve had over 50 online five star reviews are many friends and clients, it said that I really enjoyed the book Very common sense And very practical easy to read its own so you don’t have to just read the book you can listen to it before you go to bed at night my Book holistic health Looking at diet and lifestyle exercise healing the body and mind getting a deeper connection to yourself and how to use shamanic drumming Up-to-date I’ve read 919Books without reading his books and doing 38 different courses and being in the fitness industry for 22 years I don’t think it would be impossible for me to write and become a book author look out for my next three books that I would like to bring out very soon please let me know what you think of the book if you decide to listen to it on audiobooks or you decide to buy it on Amazon but it’s on most online stores

How to eat moves and be healthy by Paul Chek a great book with information about how stress affects the body and summates in the body you can do your own primal pattern diet test in the book the book has just packed full of information flexibility assessment exercise assessments as well as excellent practical knowledge Paul Chek analytic health practitioner worked Danny Way Denver Broncos Chuck Norris loud Hamilton and

paul CHEK Book

many other big names Facebook he’s the Bible for Chek Practitioner‘s

The Metabolic typing Diet book absolutely Absolutely fantastic there’s three types of diets for fast oxidises slow oxidises and mix oxidises when you know what your type is your body will go into homeostasis you will lose weight have low cholesterol and feel much healthier it’s not a Fed diet book

4 hour working by Tim Ferriss excellent book teaches you how to work less by being smarter and only doing the things that must be done and making sure you limit your time sending emails going online and spend more time doing what you love I really enjoyed this book


Detoxify or die written by a doctor excellent book all about how to detox the whole of your body all the organs and why many people die early because they don’t understand the toxins cause death

his book I really enjoyed reading by Dr Robert fung how he used fasting not only to overcome obesity and diabetes but how to balance the body lose fat even if you’re clinically obese you found a better way then using drugs to try and get people healthy thoroughly enjoyed the book lots of testimonials from happy patients that are reversed diabetes overcome obesity and got healthy again

Transformation power of fasting another excellent book goes deep into detoxifying the body using coffee enemas dry skin brushing dry fasting and no food fasting and how you get a deeper religious connection when you cleanse your body and you refuse to eat food

Dr Macola‘s book total health full of great information about exercise supplementation and just live in a general better healthy life but with some good information in the book

Breathing pattern disorders excellent book goes deep into why breath is so important for anxiety stress pain specially lower back pain and Howard by practising correct breathing you balance your nervous system And feel much healthier

The complete guide to sports massage are use this is for study manual when I study in sports massage in London excellent book well written easy to understand as a student

Stretching the 30th anniversary very easy readable book good information on stretching really enjoyed it easy to read

Healing hands of light what an amazing book teaches you about the chakra system and how this can govern your emotions and your health he says you have to test and check these areas in the body and use simple healing techniques to rebalance the Chakra system as well as the other energy systems in the body